
I used to think Autumn was my favourite season of the year, but this year it definitely is Spring. Spring is the word-prompt for the #Five Minute Friday group of writers today.

I don’t know why this past winter has seemed darker and longer than others but it has, February came and I was hopeful for the first signs of spring, but alas none came which made winter drag out even more. But in with March and wow Spring has sprung in!

Such joy, such hope, such delight, such relief!

I wonder if we are a bit like that spiritually too? We long for the dark winter of our souls to be over, to be past, we long to feel the joy of the Lord again. It seems like such a long time that we have been sitting with this darkness and low feeling at our feet, that we long for it to lift, to see a ray of light, even a beam of sunshine in our souls.

We are not good at “sitting” with pain, with trials, with hardships, with depression, with darkness, we are always wanting to rush on, to move past it, to get to the other side. Yet, Yet often it is in our weakness that we see and experience more of God’s mercy and Grace, so perhaps the lesson of Winter is Patience and the joy of Spring is the reaping of that patience?

Today, I am thankful that I live in a country with seasons and I am thankful to have the God who is faithful through each and every season which come, both of nature and of the soul.

As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.’
Gen 8:22


I agree with Kate over at #Five Minute Friday, that I have an easy life in comparison to many around the world. I have much to be grateful for, much to give thanks for, yet I find myself this morning having a pity-party for one!

I haven’t had one of those for a while, I used to be very prone to them, but have been trying to practice thanksgiving which has definitely helped keep the pity-parties at bay.

But today I am feeling sorry for myself. So I acknowledge that, I acknowledge that I have allowed burdens to build and weigh on me, instead of putting them down, I have gathered them all up and I am feeling sorry for myself that I have to carry all these things, no-one knows, no-one cares etc, here I am with a heavy load, poor me!!

But wait a minute.

What was that?

Did I hear my Lord speak?

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Ah such sweet words!

But in order for me to take up this yoke, I need to first of all put down all those burdens, worries, cares, concerns and anxieties which I have gathered. My Lord is humble and gentle of heart, He knows, He sees, He understands and He didn’t give me any of those burdens I am carrying. So I put them down, so that I can learn of Him, so that I can take His yoke which is easy because He is the other half pulling the weight and His burden is light, He doesn’t put anything on me which He Himself is not going to help me carry and be with me for the time I do.

Today Lord, I put my burdens down, may I let You teach me, and may it be Your burden and Your yoke I come under and not those of my own making. Amen


The snowdrops have been joined by the crocuses which are beginning to unfurl in the first of the Spring sunshine.

The hens are unfurling from their hunched perches, finding delight in dry ground and dust baths.

The sheep, no longer bunched together for shelter, but relaxed, sitting spaced enjoying the chance to rest with the ewes who are with lamb.

The dog, now sprawled out in the sunshine instead of huddled in his kennel.

Yes, spring has finally come to the Croft and slowly, things are beginning to unfurl! That is what spring is like an unfurling. It has been a long, dark, slow, wet, winter so the joy to be able to stretch out, and feel the warmth of the sun entices even the slowest to unfurl.

And yes I am beginning to unfurl too.

Unfurl from the pain and hurt and fears. Unfurl from the burdens of life. Unfurl from the ‘what ifs’ and the disappointments.

Today, I am unfurling. I am basking in the Sun of Righteousness who has healing in His wings. I am unfurling as I find that peace in the Prince of Peace, who gives, not as the world gives, but as He gives. I am unfurling in the forgiveness of my sins through Jesus, I am unfurling in the Grace of God who extends love and mercy. I am unfurling in the faithfulness of God who knows the end from the beginning and extends grace in the middle. I am unfurling in the love and prayers of God’s people.

The saying is that if March ‘comes in like a lamb, it goes out like a lion’ and vice versa. So there may still be wild, hard days ahead, but for today I stop, I pause and I unfurl.

As the warmth of the sun and the ever increasing light of the days come, I rest in my Saviour, I unfurl from all that I have been holding in and I surrender it all to Him.


Last week I poured out my grief, fears and burdens about being a Military Mama and I thank everyone of you who responded and prayed for us. I felt upheld, I felt carried. Appropriately Carry is this week’s prompt over in the #Five Minute Friday Writing Community.

Today the passage which sprung to my mind is:

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.

I have made you and I will carry you;

I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

Isaiah 46:4

And that reminds me of the faithfulness of God. He is the same God who created me, who will carry me through all of life’s journeys; He is the faithful God who will not give up on me, but will sustain me through each of life’s seasons; He is the faithful God who will rescue me from that fearful dark pit.

So today, I exult in the faithfulness of my God who is the same, ‘yesterday, today and forever’. The God who is my creator, my maker, my redeemer, my Lord and my shepherd. The same God who stood at the door of my heart and knocked all those years ago, He is the One who has carried me; He has been faithful even now that I am grey haired, and He will continue to be faithful, He will continue to carry me.

Praise be to His Name!