
Pin on thank-you Lord

Joining today again with the #Five Minute Friday group of writers where we write for 5 minutes on a one word prompt. Today’s prompt is: Compromise

This is a hard one because often Compromise is based on circumstances, situations, feelings, people, pressures etc. it can almost feel arbitrary.

Is compromise a good thing? It can be. Is compromise necessary? It could be.

So what do we do when things are arbitrary, when there are many variables to take into consideration before we form opinions or beliefs let alone know when to compromise on them.

We look to the Lord who changes not. We look to God who IS. He just IS. He is absolute. He is absolute truth, He is absolute righteous, He is absolute just, He is absolute faithful, He is absolute steadfast, He is absolute goodness, He is absolute love, He is absolute.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

James 1:17

There is no variation or shadow of turning with Him because He is absolute.

So when faced with life choices and dilemma’s let us look to God, the absolute judge of all things and align our choices and lives to Him and His ways.


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Joining today with the #Five Minute Friday Group of writers, who write together on a one word prompt for 5 minutes. Today’s prompt is: Worth.

How do we determine how much something is worth? For example, what is it that makes something worth spending time and money on?

Is there always a cost in worth? Like something worth waiting for, or investing in something or someone? Do we deem something/someone more worthy, the more it actually costs us, the more we invest in it?

I am thinking about Jesus and how much He invested of Himself into our Salvation. It wasn’t just a passing glance, nor a casual committment, no it cost Him His life! That then must mean that for Him I am worth it, for Him I am worth the pain, the cost, the death. That is a wow! Really? I am worth that much to Him? That is actually quite mind-boggling! I don’t have that much of a high self-esteem and the fact that someone could love me that much, when I’m not even that loveable, is totally amazing.!

To Jesus I am worth it!

Thank You Jesus!


Only Jesus can do immeasurably more | Call my friend, Faith ...

Joining with the #Five Minute Friday group of writers to write on a one word prompt for 5 minutes. Today’s prompt is: How

In my Ladies’ Bible Study we have been studying the Woman at the Well in Samaria and when Jesus offers her living water she is puzzled. How would He get this water, where would it come from? He had no bucket and the well was deep – two obstacles stood in His way, two impossibilities.

Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.

”11“But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket,” she said, “and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water?

John 4:11

But with God all things are possible! His ways are Higher than our ways, His thoughts Higher than our thoughts! We may not know how He will do something, we may not know where our supply may come from, but we can trust the one who promised that He could and would supply all our needs and that He would be with us.

We may be facing some obstacles, there may be impossibilities in the way BUT God! We may not not the “hows, whys or wherefores,” but we may know the Great I AM, the God who will provide us with living water from Himself, the very source of life.

He will open the way and provide the means, we don’t know how and we don’t know when, but we trust His Word, we trust Him.


Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee ...

Joining today again with the #Five Minute Friday group of writers, where we write on a one word prompt for 5 minutes. Today’s prompt is Stay.

We have seen and said that word a lot recently – STAY home, STAY safe, STAY a safe distance.

But what does that word mean? The definition in Collins Dictionary is: 1)to stop going forward : pause. 2) to stop doing something : cease. 3) to continue in a place or condition 

So how can we apply that to us today? Here are a few suggestions:

STOP where you are. Don’t go forward, don’t go back, just stop.

Then ..

PAUSE and pray. Take a pause, take a breath, take stock, take time to look at a situation, time to pray, time to reflect

Then ..

CEASE going along your own way, under the illusion that you are in control, cease your own self-seeking, cease your worry and anxieties.

And ..

STAY in the Lord, stay with Him, stay in His Word, Stay in His paths. Stay in His ways.

When all is in turmoil, when darkness seems to cover the land, then go to that quiet place in the Lord and stay there, keep your mind fixed on Him, your eyes looking to Him and your heart aligned with His. STAY.

You keep him in perfect peace

    whose mind is stayed on you,

    because he trusts in you.

Isaiah 26:3 (ESV)