
I used to think Autumn was my favourite season of the year, but this year it definitely is Spring. Spring is the word-prompt for the #Five Minute Friday group of writers today.

I don’t know why this past winter has seemed darker and longer than others but it has, February came and I was hopeful for the first signs of spring, but alas none came which made winter drag out even more. But in with March and wow Spring has sprung in!

Such joy, such hope, such delight, such relief!

I wonder if we are a bit like that spiritually too? We long for the dark winter of our souls to be over, to be past, we long to feel the joy of the Lord again. It seems like such a long time that we have been sitting with this darkness and low feeling at our feet, that we long for it to lift, to see a ray of light, even a beam of sunshine in our souls.

We are not good at “sitting” with pain, with trials, with hardships, with depression, with darkness, we are always wanting to rush on, to move past it, to get to the other side. Yet, Yet often it is in our weakness that we see and experience more of God’s mercy and Grace, so perhaps the lesson of Winter is Patience and the joy of Spring is the reaping of that patience?

Today, I am thankful that I live in a country with seasons and I am thankful to have the God who is faithful through each and every season which come, both of nature and of the soul.

As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.’
Gen 8:22

4 thoughts on “Spring”

  1. He is so faithful to us, Fiona! In nature’s seasons and in the seasons of the soul. I appreciate your insight of, “Perhaps the lesson of Winter is Patience and the joy of Spring is the reaping of that patience?” I hadn’t thought of it in that way, but it certainly fits. ~Lisa, FMF #2

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It seems I used to sit with pain
    upon my sad sick-bed,
    but in the days that now remain
    I dance with it instead.
    Pain and I, we twirl around
    the corners of the room,
    an antidote, so I have found,
    to pervasive doom,
    and in the lightfoot motion
    I sense the Lord of Light,
    and am given notion
    that dance really might
    be the best of aid and answer
    to rebuke a fatal cancer.

    Liked by 1 person

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