
Tide | National Geographic Society

Woohoo! #Five Minute Friday is back for 2021 where we write on a one word prompt for 5 minutes. Today’s prompt is- time!

“Time and tide wait for no man” is the saying, so I thought I would compare time to the tide today.

The tide flows in and out, in and out, ebb and flow, ebb and flow. Constant and yet different.

Sometimes it seems to come rushing in, sweeping everything in its way, other times it is long and lazy.

There are the ebb and flows of normal tides which just come and go almost unnoticed, probably like most of our days, just in and out, in and out.

Other times there are big tides, called Spring tides, and they are high, high tides bringing up with them and depositing a load of garbage in its wake. Then they go out, low, low and we find treasures, food even. Life can be like that, a lot of garbage seems to be swept up, sometimes an inordinately amount of it for us to deal with, but we can also find treasure at such time.

Big and low, small and insignificant, ebb and.flow.

Time comes, time goes.

Perhaps we need to learn from the tide and just go with the flow whatever that is in the season of our lives we are in. Go with the big rushes, go with the garbage clean up, go with the slow everyday and always be looking for the treasure!!