
I am joining in with the Five Minute Friday Group of writers, who write for 5 minutes on a one-word prompt. Today’s prompt is “Complicate“.

I am a master at complicate, especially when it comes to decision making. I try to look at the decision from every angle. Then I try to second guess other people’s reactions or thoughts, and I then look at all the ‘what if’ scenarios; if I do this, what will that mean, what will the outcome be and if I do that what will happen!

I can tie myself up in knots. I over complicate.

The solution – keep it simple!

If you are doing a craft activity or jigsaw or whatever, it is always one stitch, one piece at a time. You may not know all the steps, or what the piece will look like at the end, but one by one you place the next stitch and then the next one, or the next piece of the puzzle and then another one.

So, too with my decision making – I don’t always know what the outcomes are going to be, I have to leave that with God, but I can do the ‘next right thing’, take the next step and then the one after that. I don’t need to try and guess other people’s reactions, those are not my responsibility, I take the next piece of the puzzle and put it in place, and pick up the next one.

I keep it simple, one thing at a time. I keep it simple, one step at a time. I keep it simple, one day at a time. I keep it simple, with my eyes fixed on Jesus, living for His ways, His glory and His audience alone.

I keep it simple and ask, “What would Jesus do?”

He has told you, O man, what is good;
    and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
    and to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8

13 thoughts on “Complicate”

  1. I used to practice engineering,

    mainly building stuff from wood,

    and a thought I found endearing

    was ‘simple is the greatest good’.

    But through my journey’s twists and turns

    I have learned another truth,

    that in the beauty which heart yearns

    complexity is final proof

    of what is writ large by God,

    a world of depth beyond compare

    whose machinations are not flawed,

    nor can be easily laid bare

    for artless eye to comprehend,

    whatever we think to intend.

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  2. Amen! I love that Micah passage! Keep it simple! lately I have been walking through my house contemplating what small task I can do, just one thing. And that seems to lead to another, and another, until I am pleasantly tired. From one complicator to another: Simple Blessings on your day! FMF#4

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