
Got Your Post-Death Checklist? Grace Can Help

Joining today with the #Five Minute Friday community of writers who write for 5 minutes on a one word prompt. Today’s Prompt is: Permission.

There are a lot of changes coming into my life in the next few weeks, a lot of readjustments needing to be made, so this is a timely prompt for me to give myself permission to be confused; permission to be apprehensive; permission to be indecisive; permission to just not know what to think.

Coming out of lockdown, going back to work, a journey to a (far away) city with my daughter who has been home for 5 months; returning to an empty nest; work; church even? All familiar, ‘used to dos’; yet now unfamiliar, unknown.

So in the midst of the readjusting I need to give myself permission to be kind to myself, permission to give myself space; permission to give myself soul-care; permission to receive grace.

Permission just to breathe in grace; to receive grace for my weaknesses, for my unknowns, for my mistakes, for my apprehensions.


Grace because I am weak, I am flawed, I am human and if there is one thing I need it is grace.

So these next few weeks, I’m giving grace permission to come and heal, forgive, restore and wash over me.

16 thoughts on “Permission”

  1. This is so precious. Yes, you absolutely have permission to give yourself grace in this time of transition–and you always have permission to receive divine grace! Praying for comfort for your heart and ease for your journey. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Think I will just take a breather,
    think I will just have a rest,
    for it’s neither or nor neither,
    and God knows it’s for the best
    that I slow myself back down
    from my running at full tilt,
    ease away the worried frown
    over all the milk that’s spilt.
    Life went on before my time,
    and will do so when I’m gone,
    so I’ll keep my heart inclined
    to the glories of the dawn,
    have an ale as my repast
    for a worthy good breakfast.

    Liked by 1 person

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