
Pin on Bible Verses

It’s Friday! So joining with the #Five Minute Friday Community of writers to write for 5 minutes on a one Word prompt. Today’s prompt is: Savour.

First of all to all the American Writers out there in the community, this is how we spell ‘Savour’ (Savor) in the UK.! Just so you know that it is not a spelling mistake!!

So what do I like to savour? Well good food, good wine, good coffee, good books, the luxuries and comforts of a good hotel, the wind in my face, the sun on my skin, the company of family and friends.

And yet do I really savour these things? Do I really take the time to dwell in the moment, soak these things up, enjoy them to the full?

Probably like a lot of people, Lockdown has taught me to savour, to appreciate so much of what I took for granted before.

Lockdown has taught me to slow. Slow and savour the daily bounties that God lavishes upon us. Slow and savour the company of family and friends when so many have been bereft of these things. Slow and savour more time at home, in the garden, out on walks, appreciating the beauty of creation.

I want to keep that. I want to continue to slow. I want to continue to savour all that the Lord brings onto my path each day.

5 thoughts on “Savour”

  1. Hi Fiona, it is amazing to me that “savor” was my one word 2020 and who but God could have known how we all would be slowed down. May I not forget the lessons learned and continue to savor the presence of the One who was with us in it all. Blessings!


  2. Oh gosh, yes. In the many lessons of lockdown, the one about slowing down to savo(u)r more has really hit home for me, too. As someone whose brain spins 90mph, it’s been challenging, but oh, so rewarding!


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