
The Bethany Center | The Whole Creation Groans

Joining with the #Five Minute Friday community of writers today to write on a one word prompt for 5 minutes. Today’s prompt is: Remedy.

Last week’s prompt was Broken, which I never got round to writing about, but which I have pondered all week.

In our Bible study group just now we are doing a study in Genesis 1-11 and I have been struck and touched afresh by the detailed, intricate, delicate beauty of creation and have wow’d over it. But I have also been saddened and have sat with that sadness for several days over the brokenness and destruction sin brought to that beautiful creation.

I see that brokenness in the world around me and in my own life, I see its destructive force, but from my Genesis study I also see that there is a Remedy. Right there, right then when sin was committed and brokenness entered; Grace entered too! Right away there was a remedy, a plan of salvation, God’s greatest work yet to put in place a plan of redemption, a plan to buy back that broken world, a plan to bring it back to glory!

God’s remedy plan is God’s grace, is God’s work of salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ, and we long for that coming day when all will be restored!

6 thoughts on “Remedy”

  1. Amen, Fiona. As I wrote for both word prompts, those very same thoughts came each week. We do have a remedy and His Name is Jesus. His grace to us is such a gift and is the remedy for all our brokenness. Blessings today!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. First beauty, it was broken
    and replaced by sin,
    but no sooner was it spoken
    than Almighty God walked in,
    and said, “Let’s see, what have we here?
    You did not do the things you should,
    and it really does appear
    that it’s gonna take a flood
    and then I’ll have to make you gone
    from the place I picked for you;
    first Egypt, and then Babylon,
    and when all that exile’s through
    (God heaves now a heavy sigh)
    I’ll have to send my Son to die.”

    Liked by 2 people

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